Pavle Milenković is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. He obtained his undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Starting out as a Research Associate at the Institute for Sociological Research at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1994), followed by a Teaching Assistant position at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad (1995), he was appointed as a Full Professor at the Department of Sociology in 2017. He teaches courses in the fields of historical sociology, general sociological theory, systems theory, qualitative methodology, as well as the sociology of literature and of the avant-garde. He has held invited lectures at the Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Hat-Yai, Thailand, Petnica Science Center, and Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. He has participated in numerous national (Ministry of the Republic of Serbia and AP Vojvodina) and international projects (Tempus, Erasmus+). He is the author of several monographs: The Annales School. Essays in Sociological Historiography (2004); An Introduction into the Sociology of Surrealism in Serbia (2012); Essays in the Sociology of Contemporaneity (2016); The Annales School Between Historiography and Sociology (second edition, revised and updated); as well as numerous journal articles and chapters in edited volumes published in Serbia and abroad.
