We are delighted to announce that the Bulgarian Sociological Association in collaboration with the national sociological associations of Romania, Serbia and Northern Macedonia, and with the support of the International Sociological …

Journal ‘Sociologija’now indexed in ERIH PLUS

We are pleased to announce that the journal Sociologija, which is published by the Sociological Scientific Society of Serbia and the Institute for Sociological Research, is now indexed in ERIH PLUS (the European Reference Index for the Humanities).

A statement from the Bulgarian Sociological Association

The Bulgarian Sociological Association (BSA) has lent its support to SSSS in condemning police brutality during the recent protests in Serbia, and censuring the arrest of one of the Society’s members, Dr Vladimir Mentus, as well as the arrests and fast-track judicial proceedings of others, with no regard for democratic norms and the right to a fair trial and due process.